Dura-Belt   800-770-2358

Distributors & Prices

Distributors:  We sell direct to resellers* of our belts, but we sell to end users**  through distributors. If you are an end user, kindly contact your nearest belting or material handling distributor and specify Dura-Belt products. Most distributors sell our products. If they do not yet sell ours, please ask them to contact us at phone number 614-777-0295 or email sales@durabelt.com.

Price Lists:  We sell an infinite number of combinations of belt types, cross-sections, lengths, colors, durometers (hardness), and surface textures. They also come in reinforced or non-reinforced, and connectable or endless varieties. Therefore, it is not possible for us to provide price lists. If you would like a quote, please provide a description of the belt type, size, length, color, durometer, texture (smooth or rough), and the quantity.

Price/Quantity Breaks:  Most of our products have many price/quantity breaks, e.g., 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 25000, 50000, 100000, 250000, 500000 pieces, so whenever you request a quote, be sure to state the quantity that you want.

Price increases:  Sadly, the relentless combination of materials and wage inflation forces us to raise belting prices by an average of 5% on Dec. 1, 2018. Our last price increase for domestic*** belting was 2012.

This was the 6th general price increase that we have had since the company was purchased in 1991. That means roughly one increase every 4.5 years. The good news is that productivity improvements have allowed us to effectively decrease prices despite inflation, so our products now cost about 50% less, adjusted for inflation, than they did in 1991.

We could have maintained prices by blending regrind scrap into our extruded belting, by adding fillers into our pulleys and spools, or by making fewer QC inspections, but that would reduce the quality of our belts. We refuse to compromise on quality, so you can always rely on Dura-Belt for superior products.

*Resellers are distributors, installers, integrators or equipment manufacturers (OEMs), who resell our belts.

**The only exceptions are educational institutions, a government agency, and end users in countries where we have no distributors.

***It is difficult for one manufacturer to produce efficiently all types and durometers of high quality urethane cord. In order to offer every type to our customers, we purchase some, e.g. rough green, from other manufacturers. They tend to raise prices more frequently, so we have do that on their products.

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